FIX-IT LIST: Wish list of repairs compiled for 163-acre property
The Ramona Bowl has made a call for volunteers that isn’t just about getting people to make repairs. It’s about getting people involved at the Bowl. Period.
“How many people in the Valley have never been up here?” said Bob Fifield, a member of the Ramona Bowl board.
Fifield and longtime volunteer Al Cordova recently spent four hours walking the Bowl’s 163 acres and taking photos of the fixes that need to be made.
“We had a walkabout of the Bowl,” Cordova said.
The photographs were divided by area, such as cast house, seating, and hacienda, and are being used as an enlistment tool in presentations to service groups.
Repairs include replacing broken tiles, repairing damaged ceilings, and installing new doors. Floors need to be redone, sunshade fabric in the sky boxes replaced, and wheelchair signs refreshed.
It’s not only individual volunteers and service groups that can help. Cordova said the projects would be ideal for potential Eagle Scouts.
Over the years, “I’ve had about 15 to 20 Eagle projects up here,” Cordova said.
Among the projects Scouts have worked on was the installation of an area where people in wheelchairs could watch shows at the amphitheater.
The wish list is part of a tradition of the community helping at the Bowl, Fifield and Cordova said.
“The Bowl belongs to the community,” Fifield said.
That ownership extends to new residents.
“We want to make new people in the community feel like this is their heritage also,” Cordova said.
Though the two found much to repair in their walkabout, Fifield said they didn’t discover anything overwhelming.
“What surprised me was we don’t have anything big,” he said.
The walk had another benefit. Though the two have volunteered at the Bowl over decades, their search for repairs introduced them to areas they don’t normally work in.
“You get a different view of what it takes to keep this thing going,” Cordova said.
To sign up for a project on the wish list, call the Ramona Bowl at 658-3111. Financial donations for repairs are also welcome.
Ramona Bowl Amphitheatre
27400 Ramona Bowl Road, Hemet CA. 92544
Toll Free: 1-800-645-4465 / 951-658-3111or email: ramona@ramonabowl.com
The Ramona Bowl Amphitheatre is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable corporation Federal Tax ID #95-1132365
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