Maze Stone and Valley Quilters Guild members Suzanne Wade, left, Rose Rhoads and Gayle Asebedo display their work.
A joint effort by Maze Stone Quilters and members of the Valley Quilters Guild has resulted in lots of patriotic quilts being donated to the Quilts of Valor Foundation program.
"We have a specific mission and that is to cover our wounded warriors," said Suzanne Wade, who has been involved with the program for about five years. She is the Quilts of Valor Region Coordinator serving California, Arizona, Utah and Nevada.
"We tell veterans: you served, we're grateful and this is our piece of gratitude."
Wade collects the names, rank and branch of service of veterans in her Hemet neighborhood for inclusion on the list of quilt recipients. She also offers them as raffle prizes at veterans events to increase turnout.
"I've sent quilts all over the world," said Wade, who moved from Maryland about a year ago. "The soldiers themselves usually request red, white and blue patterns."
Wade said she loves to quilt but her family was overwhelmed with all her handiwork and crafts. Once she found out about the foundation she could quilt to her heart's content. She has made about 275 quilts, each measuring 50 inches by 60 inches.
Community members who want to contribute their time and sewing talent to the cause are invited to join the two groups at Valley-Wide Recreation Center at 901 Esplanade Ave. in San Jacinto on Mar. 1 from 1 to 4 p.m. and the San Jacinto Senior Center at 625 S. Pico Ave. on Feb. 16 and Mar. 16 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
For donations of fabric, batting or money contact Maze Stone President Rita Silvas at 951-260-0504 or Valley Quilters President Rose Rhoads at 951-301-6169.
Information on the national program can be found at www.qovf.org
Members of the Valley Quilters Guild are also preparing for its 30th annual quilt show from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Admission is $6 for the event at Valley-Wide Recreation Center, 901 W. Esplanade in San Jacinto.
Nancy Williams is in charge of quilt acquisitions.
"We have 126 quilts at this year's show -- and there are a lot of big ones," said Williams, of Hemet. She has been a guild member for about three years and as the show's organizer she helps decide where the quilts will hang.
"We group certain colors or types together to complement each other," she said. "We have art quilting which is more contemporary but also lots of traditional works. We have a lot of hand quilters which is rare to see at most shows."
An opportunity drawing for the group's annual philanthropic quilt will fund five scholarships to local high school students.
"This is a big part of what we do -- trying to give back to the community," said Williams. "And I love every minute of it."
Information, 951-927-4348 or www.valleyquilters.org
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