March 12th & 13th Featuring pre 1974 Vehicles
Welcome to the new Temecula Rod Run website. We hope you find it easy, informative and fun to use. Thanks to the help from Web Editors, Inc. in Temecula we have a custom website for your ease of use.
A little bit about the P & R Foundation; we are a non-profit organization founded in April of 2003 by three gentlemen that wanted to make a difference in our community and the Inland Empire in doing what they knew best, car shows. We are proud to say that the P & R Foundation Board has grown by a few members who have the same love and focus as the three gentlemen that started it all out. As being a non-profit no one is paid for all their hard work and commitment. Thanks to all the volunteers P & R Foundation was able to pledge $175,000 to the Boys and Girls Club of the Southwest County for their new club house. The Boys and Girls Club have assisted thousand and thousands of young kids and adults with their lives during troubled times. We support our United States Marines to ensure they can attend their Marine Corps Ball with a donation. The Progeria Foundation, The Veterans, Boy Scouts of America is all very near and dear to our hearts with donations.
A special Thank You to the City of Temecula for all their support, understanding and guidance over the past few years, without them our show couldn’t have been possible. To our sponsors through the years Paradise Chevrolet, Casino Pauma, and the local businesses that support and come to our events, Thank You!
Last but not the least Thank You to the Drifters Car Club members for all the dedication, hard work they do, they give up vacation time twice a year to help us, working long hours and never ask for anything. They are the Best!
Friday Night Cruise
Come visit the Temecula Rod Run for our famous "Friday Night Cruise" and see hundreds of classic vehicles from all over the country cruise Old Town Front Street. The City of Temecula locks down Old Town from Arch to Arch to allow these classic beauties to run wild. Come watch while these classic vehicles roam around, rev up their engines, honk their horns and show off their stuff like never seen before.
This show attracts thousands of automotive enthusiasts and spectator's year in and year out. Over 500 entries are accepted every year and this year we are featuring pre-1970 vehicles. The Cruising starts at 5:00pm and goes on till 8:00pm; so come to Old Town Temecula and see some of the west coast finest street rods cruising Old Town. The event is FREE to the public, music and entertainment are always a big hit, as well as great food, community vendors and much more. Do not miss the party of a lifetime.
Saturday Show & Shine
This is the day where you can get a close look at these classic vehicles and take a peek under the hoods. The City of Temecula locks down Old Town from Arch to Arch from 8:00 am till 4:00pm and during these times these classic beauties are parked waiting for you to get an up close a personal look at them.
The vehicles are freshly detailed and polished to "Show and Shine"... they are just waiting around calling out to you to come see some of the finest street rods on the west coast. As always, the event is FREE to the public. Be sure to bring all of your friends and family for a great time to remember - expect great family fun! Music and entertainment are always a big hit, as well as great food, community vendors and much more. Do not miss the family event of a lifetime.
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