Leigh Ann Whitley started sharing her artistic aptitude with Trinity Lutheran Church a few years ago when she was asked by the pastor's wife, Connie Bunge, to develop a project.
"It was the first time I'd done glazed tile," said Whitley, who has been a member of the Hemet church since moving to the area 13 years ago.
With help from Pat Relth at All Fired Up Ceramics, Whitley created the mosaic tile display for the wall outside the sanctuary.
For her first big project, she designed and painted a mural inside the youth room. She has also painted butterflies on the windows of the Celebration Center and a grapevine border on the sanctuary walls, as well as other murals. "I enjoy the color of acrylics, and it's not as intimidating as painting on canvas," Whitley said.
Her latest creation, dedicated last month, is a mural inside the Celebration Center.
"It is very structured because Pastor John (Bunge) wanted it to look like stained glass," she said.
The Rev. Bunge became pastor at the church nine years ago. "She has been a part of our youth program for years and of course she is in charge of face painting at all of our community events," he said. "She is the artist in residence at Trinity. Her talent is apparent throughout our facility; she has an incredible vision."
The church's music director, Hattie Hedrick, has known Whitley for about three years. "Once I saw the quality of her work, I hired her to do some personal artwork for my home," Hedrick said. "I have been very pleased with her work and the praise I get as a result of her work."
She has been commissioned to paint many murals throughout the San Jacinto Valley, including at DeAnza Elementary and World Harvest Church in San Jacinto. But she paints at Trinity because she wants to.
"I enjoy sharing my gift with the church," Whitley said. "There are a lot of people here that share their gifts. When the economy is low sometimes all people have to share is their time and talent."
Inland People
Name: Leigh Ann Whitley
Residence: Hemet
Age: 48
Family: Husband Ron and daughters Jessica, 23, and Nicole, 15
Accomplishments: Known as the "artist in residence" at Trinity Lutheran Church in Hemet, Whitley has left her brush strokes throughout the San Jacinto Valley.
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